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6 Reasons Why Mental Health Challenges Are Not Signs of Weak Faith or Sin.
“This scripture almost sounds like James is addressing ‘weak faith’ (ask the elders to pray for you) as well as sin as a possible culprit (confess your sins…be healed). So, how does this scripture relate to someone dealing with mental health difficulties or disorders?"
10 Simple Ways to Maintain Your Mental Resilience
Tips and ideas to empower your brain to complete mental health and your mental grace.
Gratitude: 5 Benefits You Get From It
If you’re anything like me, the Thanksgiving season does not magically produce a more thankful version of myself. In fact, it usually yields the opposite. I don’t know if it’s the shorter days with less sunshine or the never-ending end-of-year task list, but Thanksgiving seems to trigger even more stress, anxiety and bouts of depression. So, for many of us, we may just be trying to make it through.